성장프로젝트 95

[몰입영어] 실천편 영어회화 핵심패턴339(253 ~ 339)

I'm sorry for~ 253 I'm sorry for being late. 254 I'm sorry for scarign you. 255 I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sorry to ~ 256 I'm sorry to interrupt you. 257 I'm sorry to tell you this. 258 I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sorry that ~ 259 I'm sorry that I'm late. 260 I'm sorry that I let you down. 261 I'm sorry that I left you so early. Can you get me ~? 262 Can you get me the form to fill out? 263 Ca..

[하프타임] 전업여가

미하이 칙센트미하이, 몰입의 즐거움 사람들 몸 신호장치로 만족도 측정 가만히 일할 때보다 의미있는 목적 추구 일할때 더 높은 만족도를 나타냈다. 가끔씩 자신에게 여가를 선물할 필요가 있으나 '전업여가' 는 건강에 이롭지도 못하며 진정한 여가가 되지 못한다. 밥 버포드, 하프타임 p.226 나에게 전업여가는 불안함을 증폭시킨다. 나의 삶이 전반부, 하프타임, 후반부 중 어디쯤 위치하고 있는가를 생각해보고 나의 시간과 재능을 어디에 사용할지를 고민해 보는 시간이 필요하다. 지금의 일들을 그만두고 전업여가를 즐기는 것이 나에게는 긍정적인 영향이 아님을 경험 했으니 이제 나는 내가 받은 역할을 찾아야한다.

[몰입영어] 실천편 영어회화 핵심패턴339(199 ~ 252)

I don't know why ~ 199 I don't know why you came here. 200 I don't know why I'm telling you this. 201 I don't know why you're treating me like this. I don't know how to ~ 202 I don't know how to get there. 203 I don't know how to fix it. 204 I don't know tell you how I feel. I don't mean to ~ 205 I don't mean to xcare you. 206 I don't mean to get you upset. 207 I don't mean to take acvantage of ..

[하프타임] 외적 현실을 받아들이라.

"현재 당신이 바꿀 수 없는 '외적 현실'은 무엇인가?" 오늘 독서 내용 중 가장 가슴을 치는 질문이다. ch.19 외적 현실을 받아들이라. 저자는 아들을 잃은 순간에도 크리스천이있다. 나또한 나의 10년에 걸친 노력을 실천하고 비용을 들이는 동안 신자였다. 자연계와 초월의 존재에 대한 믿음은 한 시도 거스를 생각도 없었고 현재도 없으며 앞으로도 없을 것이다. 나는 권위를 존중한다. (그렇지만 갑질과 권위는 분리되어야 한다. 이부분은 나중에 다시...) 규칙을 지켜야 승리한다. 규제가 없는 삶은 없다. 오늘은 받아들여야 할 외적 현실에 대해 생각해 보아야겠다.

[몰입영어] 실천편 영어회화 핵심패턴339(172~198)

I almost ~ 172 I almost made a big mistatke. 173 I almost missed the train. 174 I almost fell down. I feel like ~ 175 I feel like a zombie. 176 I feel like Cinderella! 177 I feel like I'm a nobody. I used to ~ 178 I used to live here. 179 I used to ve afraid a spiders, 180 I used to lover horror movie. I'm used to -ing 181 I'm used to getting a lot of attention from guys. 182 I'm used to working..

[몰입영어] 실천편 영어회화 핵심패턴339(127~171)

There's ~ 127 There's somtthing to eat in the house. 128 There's ghost in my room. 129 There's a glass ceiling for women in the workplace. There's always ~ 130 There's always a chance. 131 There's always a reason to smile. 132 There's always room for improvement. There's no ~ 133 There's no justice in the world. 134 There's no place like home. 135 There's no time to waste. Is there ~? 136 Is the..

[몰입영어] 실천편 영어회화 핵심패턴339(100~126)

It smells ~ 100 It smells sweet. 101 It smells funny. 102 I smells great to me. It tastes ~ 103 It tastes salty. 104 It tastes sour. 105 It tastes great. You must be ~ 106 You must be tired. 107 You must be our new neighbor. 108 You must be joking. I have trouble in - ing. 109 I have trouble in finding the error. 110 I have trouble in uttering certain words. 111 I have trouble in understanding t..

[몰입영어] 실천편 영어회화 핵심패턴339(073~099)

I have to ~ (i've got to ~) 073 I have to go. 074 I have to get out of here. 075 I have to finish this report tonight. 076 You should listen to me. 077 You should see a dentist. 078 You should take your umbrella, because it is going to rain. You shouldn't ~ 079 You shouldn't eat too many chips. 080 You shouldn't tell anyone avout that. 081 You shouldn't give up on your dream. Let's ~ 082 Let's w..

[몰입영어] 실천편 영어회화 핵심패턴339(058~072)

Have you p.p. ~? 058 Have you mat my mother? 059 Have you wanted to emigrate? 060 Haver you felt goose bumps while listening to music? Have you ever been to ~? 061 Have you ever been to Antarctica? 062 Have you ever been to Las Vegas? 063 Haver you ever been to a Broadway show? Haver you p.p. ~ yet? 064 Have you done youor assignment yet? 065 Have you cleaned your room yet? 066 Have you written ..